
12 Posts
Tâigael - Translations from Taiwanese & Gaelic

Tâigael - Translations from Taiwanese & Gaelic

A collection of short stories in translation

Taiwan Literature Base Workshop

Taiwan Literature Base Workshop

Public workshop as part of TBL writing reisdency

Interweavings, a Writing Residency

Interweavings, a Writing Residency

At the Taiwan Literature Base in Taipei

Mother Tongue Manifesto

Mother Tongue Manifesto

A Scottish Government funded project translating between Gaelic and Tâi-gí

The Survival of Tâi-gí

The Survival of Tâi-gí

An article in The Dial on language suppression and revivial in Taiwan

Tân Têng-pho - An Audio Guide

Tân Têng-pho - An Audio Guide

Translating for the National Taiwan Museum

International Reading at the Jonathan Bookstore (沙鷗書店)

International Reading at the Jonathan Bookstore (沙鷗書店)

A reading of, and about, poetry at 沙鷗書店

The Cradle of Taiwanese Culture

The Cradle of Taiwanese Culture

A piece for BBC travel on the hybridity of Taiwanese culture

Taiwan Literature Base

Taiwan Literature Base

Interweavings | 經緯: A Tapestry of Taiwan Stories

Nourishing Tainan | 滋養台南

Nourishing Tainan | 滋養台南

A residency exploring food, stories and the philosophy of everyday life.

Residency at Nanning Literature House

Residency at Nanning Literature House

This December, I'll be at the Nanning literature house in Tainan on a 10-day residency.

Moving to Taiwan

Moving to Taiwan

From August this year, I'll be in the city of Tainan, running some fun writing projects.